Kareena Kapoor Khan is getting back in shape after her son Taimur's birth. Our source informs that she has lost nearly 16 kilos in the last three months. The actress hit the gym about 12 weeks post her delivery last December. Apart from following a strict diet, she has been a regular with her workout, pilates and yoga sessions as well. On Friday , at a gym close to her Bandra residence, Bebo was spotted working out with friend Amrita Arora Ladak, Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira.
An evening before, she made an appearance at Tusshar's son Lakkshya's first birthday party in Juhu, where she looked every bit her svelte self. Kareena had apparently gained nearly 18 kilos during her pregnancy . We hear, her target is to knock off 19 kilos before she begins filming Veere Di Wedding. With 16 kilos gone, she is almost there.