Sunday, July 21, 2013

11:00 PM

Actors who goes beyond cosmetic surgery for roles

एक काळ असा होता, की आपल्या चपट्या नाकामुळे शिल्पा शेट्टी काळजीत पडली होती. यासाठी तिने प्लास्टिक सर्जरीची मदत घेतली आणि तिची नाकावरील शस्त्रक्रिया मीडियात चर्चेचा विषयी ठरली....
10:48 PM

Boollywood celebrities who dont have kids

हे आहेत बॉलिवूडमधील असे कलाकार ज्यांनी लग्न केले, मात्र बाळाला जन्म दिला नाही. या सर्व कलाकारांची यामागची कारणं वेगवेगळी आहेत. काही सेलिब्रिटी कपल एकमेकांबरोबरच इतके आनंदी आहेत...
10:32 PM

Mamata Kulkarni has taken sanyas, and her first love is Ishwar

अनेक वर्षांपासून बॉलिवूडमधुन बेपत्ता झालेली मराठमोळी ममता कुलकर्णी अभिनेत्री काही दिवसांपूर्वी अचानक चर्चेत आली होती. तिने इस्‍लाम धर्म स्विकारला असून ती नैरोबीत स्‍थ‍ायिक झाल्‍याच्‍या...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

12:59 AM

NEW PARVATI HAS LIGHT EYES JUST LIKE THE OLD Pooja Bose has started shooting for the show

NEW PARVATI HAS LIGHT EYES JUST LIKE THE OLD Pooja Bose has started shooting for the show     While actress Sonarika Bhadoria chose to be in denial mode...
12:53 AM

Can a change in name make you a big star?

Can a change in name make you a big star? CHANGE IN SPELLING VERSUS CHANGE IN NAME   The last few years have seen actors make changes in the spellings of their names...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

1:37 AM


REMO FERNANDES PERFORMS WITH COLLEGE BAND AT MUSIC LAUNCH     Pop singer Remo Fernandes launched the music of Luv U Soniyo at a suburban mall. The movie marks...
1:28 AM


6 STEPS TO FLORAL NAILS You don’t need to visit a salon to get floral motifs on your nails; now you can do it at home with our DIY guide     Simple spring...
1:27 AM

Which sports hottie makes the best Bond?

Which sports hottie makes the best Bond? Victoria Beckham has reportedly that suggested David Beckham would be a good Bond. Here’s the list of sports heartthrobs who could play...
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