‘Dance purists won’t be impressed’
New York Post Sara Stewart The choreography is solid throughout, but director Scott Speer gets in his own way every time, relentlessly shifting camera angles to closeups and reaction shots when he should be letting us witness the spectacle.Scott Bowles There isn’t a franchise around that matches the kids’ moves in the Step Up series. We just need a better reason to dance along.
Washington Post
Sean O’Connell ‘Step Up: You’ve Seen All This Before’ would be more accurate, but Summit Entertainment’s marketing department knows that wouldn’t help sell tickets.
Frank Lovece While dance purists won’t be impressed by the
energetic and athletic choreography — the dancers have clearly learned
routines but not necessarily technique. Date-movie audiences will likely
want to go out dancing afterward themselves, and that’s fun. Film.com
William Goss With the most wooden leads of the series to date — an MMA fighter and a ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ alum — the drama between the dancing has never felt more interminable.
Alonso Duralde
The Wrap There’s too much colour and energy and frenzy in this movie to discount it entirely, but it has a disconcerting tendency to undercut its best notions with some singularly awful moves.
ABC Radio Brisbane
Matthew Toomey The only reason people watch movies within this formulaic genre is to enjoy the wellchoreographed dance numbers. On that note, this film delivers.
William Goss With the most wooden leads of the series to date — an MMA fighter and a ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ alum — the drama between the dancing has never felt more interminable.
Alonso Duralde
The Wrap There’s too much colour and energy and frenzy in this movie to discount it entirely, but it has a disconcerting tendency to undercut its best notions with some singularly awful moves.
ABC Radio Brisbane
Matthew Toomey The only reason people watch movies within this formulaic genre is to enjoy the wellchoreographed dance numbers. On that note, this film delivers.
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