Monday, December 17, 2012

Bad days can actually be good for you!

Bad days can actually be good for you!

    We all have bad days. They could happen when least expected — or on days when you simply get a feeling that something isn’t going to go right. But surprisingly, a research now says that having a bad day can actually do wonders for your health. Still not convinced? Read on to find out more...
    There are times when one is in a bad mood for no particular reason, while there are some days when you feel like the whole world is conspiring against you to get you down. Yet, on some days, you simply wake up in a bad mood and everything annoys you. While no one likes to be around irritable people, researchers have found that being grumpy actually helps you to think
clearly, make quicker decisions and not suffer fools. So, the next time you find yourself in a foul mood, take on a difficult task and see how fast you can get through it. 

    Don’t see your car breaking down as the worst case scenario. While no one wants to be late for work, tell yourself that your car breaking down can actually make you healthy. Walk part of the distance or cycle if your work place is close by. Walking and cycling can cut down the risk of heart disease, obesity and cardiovascular risk. 

    Feel angry and letdown about not getting a promotion? Missing out on a promotion can be embarrassing and painful. But here’s something that is
consoling — a study by the Warwick University in the UK found that people who had been recently promoted had no health improvements — on the contrary, their mental health decreased by 10%. The study also found that due to increased responsibilities, people who got a promotion ended up more at the doctor’s clinic than their counterparts who had not been promoted. While extreme stress is obviously harmful for you, a little bit of pressure is actually good. 

    A little bit of stress is known to actually boost your immune system. This happens because when you begin to feel pressure, your body starts producing cortisol, which, in small amounts, is beneficial for your body. Cortisol fights colds and illnesses.

A little bit of stress and pressure boosts the immune system

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