Monday, December 17, 2012

Meet the new cop in town Sachiin Joshi’s look in Mumbai Mirror unveiled

Meet the new cop in town

Sachiin Joshi’s look in Mumbai Mirror unveiled

    After a slew of cop-dramas that Bollywood has been witnessing over the past couple of months, actor Sachiin Joshi is all set to play the role of a cop in his next film, Mumbai Mirror. Sachiin plays Yeda Patil, a police officer who has his shades of grey and who makes no excuses to hide the same. Yeda Patil is good at heart, but often succumbs to his shortcomings like alcohol, drugs and bribes. The film revolves around the rise and fall of Yeda Patil’s life.
    This film predominantly captures the struggle for the survival of the fittest in the city. Talking about his role, Sachiin says, “I play a cop who is very whimsical, yet strong-willed. He believes in being responsible and having his share of fun. Most films till date have only explored cops as characters. Here we have delved into the life of a cop and shown the real picture. The backdrop is that of the business of dance bars. We have explored the real reason behind why dance bars in Mumbai were
shut. What a lot of people don’t know is that there was a lot of drug dealing and prostitution that was rampant in these bars.” About the film’s title he says, “We chose this one because it is our attempt at
showing the true reflection of the city which is quite different from what has been portrayed so far. The film’s supporting cast includes Mahesh Manjrekar, Aditya Panscholi, Prakash Raj playing key roles.
    Mumbai Mirror is produced by Viiking Media & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

Sachiin Joshi

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