Saturday, August 27, 2011

Actor Shahid Kapoor bares his heart, as he talks about how he's had his share of chasing girls

'I can never relate to fast love'
Actor Shahid Kapoor bares his heart, as he talks about how he's had his share of chasing girls
Professionally, the past year and a half has seen actor Shahid Kapoor in his own words, 'eat, breathe, sleep,' his dad's directorial debut. Personally however it's been a different story — he's found a special friend, has dealt with both, rumours of link-ups and break-ups. But the actor who's always maintained a 'let-private-life-be-private' stance as far as his personal relationships are concerned finally reveals his take on love and matters of the heart.

Over the years, what's the one thing that's changed in you?
I've learnt to let go. I think that was the one thing that I found difficult to do. Now, I take it a little easy.

Work-wise or personally?
Both! I try not to ponder and analyse about what's happened, why. It's best to move on.

What's your take on love?
I believe in love and in loving unconditionally. But I think that people today are afraid to give love their all. They are insecure, jaded. They're afraid to love with all their heart. It's become more of a contract, a demand and supply. I can never relate to that kind of fast love.

So you could easily relate to the character you play in Mausam?
Absolutely. I am a romantic!

You've always been like this?
Right from the time I was a teenager. I've had my share of running behind girls and not having the guts to tell them how I feel (smiles).
Is that easy now?
I'm still guarded in matters of the heart.

You have just returned from a long shoot with Priyanka Chopra in the UK…
And it was fun as always shooting with her.

But you were there during the time that the riots were happening?
Riots anytime or place are rather unfortunate. But we were shooting quite far away from that area, so everyone was concerned, but safe.
There are a lot of firsts involved with your film Mausam?
Yes, the first time I am working with dad, that he is directing, that I'm working with Sonam, that I played a man in uniform, that I flew a F-16… so yes a lot of firsts. But the most special has to be shooting with dad.

What's your take about competition here?
Well, I want everyone's films to do well, only mine should do better (laughs).

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