Monday, August 22, 2011

Hollywood hottie Cameron Diaz talks about her recent release and the rapport she shared with her co-stars...

'It was really a dream'
Hollywood hottie Cameron Diaz talks about her recent release and the rapport she shared with her co-stars...

What do you think of your co-star Justin Timberlake's evolution as an actor?
I think he's doing a great job and has proven himself as a comedian over the years, starting with Saturday Night Live. We got our wish list on this movie cast-wise. We wanted to have the best people possible for the parts, and we got Jason Segel, we got Justin, we got Phyllis Smith. Being able to have these amazing comedians around us is really, really fun. I feel we scored on our cast members for this movie.

How did you go about choosing the role?
I think that roles like these don't come around very often for anyone, actor or actress (laughs). It was such a well-written script, every part of it just worked. That doesn't happen very often in the world of making movies, you are often trying to fix things as you go, nothing needed to be fixed on this, it was perfect. We had an amazing group of people who wanted to be apart of it as well, that always helps (laughs).

What does director Jake Kasdan bring to the table?
He's fearless. He loves to push it and have fun and he goes straight to the edge first and then maybe backs off a little bit. He has a great laugh and you hear it during the take, which is encouraging.

What was it about the script that you enjoyed so much?
This character is just one of those that you know, I couldn't pass it up. The first 30 pages I was like, 'there's no way I'm doing this, I can't play this character, she's despicable, there's no way to redeem her.' By the end of the script I was like 'yes' (laughs). The greatest thing is that they don't redeem her, there's no apology in the end, that just doesn't happen.

In this film you do the X-rated material... Is that a refreshing turn-around for you?
I think this character is meant to represent good and bad of what is possible in a human being. There are certain things she doesn't apologise for and there are certain things she admits that she needs to do better on. She has a human level of incremental growth that we all have.

Your character's attitude brings a lot of laughs...
Yeah, Elizabeth (Cameron's character) believes she doesn't belong at that school. She wants nothing to do with being a teacher. She's living her life like she just has to show up at this place for a few hours so that she can get enough money to pay her rent. She has no interest in being there, she doesn't pretend to want to be there.

What was it like working with this cast?
Every person in this cast is a genius comedian, there's nobody in there who doesn't deliver a fantastic performance and an unforgettable character. Lucy is phenomenal, such a weirdo (laughs), Lucy's character is really awesome, she's fearless. She became this weird creature. It was really funny because there were so much times I was just sitting there thinking that if this person really existed, you could not stand this person (laughs).

What about the others?
Jason plays the gym teacher who's trying to steal my affection, I don't have time for him because he's just a gym teacher, gym teachers don't make enough money to turn Elizabeth's head. I'm always keeping him at arms distance. As for Justin, well he's amazing, so funny, so talented. He was so perfect for this part. I knew he would kill it. One of the greatest things about this film is the cast, such a great group, it was really a dream. Elizabeth is transparent, she's clear.

Was it difficult to not burst out laughing during the shoots?
We were having so much fun, you have to laugh through a movie like this, you can't keep it straight. Whenever I was with the two of them working, there were moments where I was like, 'I'm never going to able to get through this take, I have to, I'll look over here, I'll look down.' Then my body starts shaking and they go, 'CUT, we know you're laughing!' You can't help it, it was so funny. It was a great movie to make, everybody was wonderful.

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