Saturday, August 27, 2011

Humming the Anna anthem!
Music bands are dedicating songs and even making music for Anna Hazare as a way of showing their support…

It's incredible how the swashbuckling Anna brigade has gatecrashed the music scene! Music bands are taking inspiration from the septuagenarian's anti corruption ideas and are transforming it into musical messages — in order to extend their support.
Popular boy band Band of Boys has dedicated a song to the 74 year old social activist. "We (Band of Boys) have stood up for a lot of things in our lives like for audiences; in serpentine lines to get our passports done; for ladies when they enter a room,…etc," jokes frontman of the band Karan Oberoi. "We're happy to say that this time we stand up for something that makes us truly proud to be Indian and part of a movement that will hopefully change the face of modern India," he adds.
The song has been inspired from the movie Main Azaad Hoon "We pray that the movement gathers enough steam to waylay the corrupt, the immoral and the those that suck this country dry. For strength lies in a strong belief and in numbers and this time we, the people, are empowered aplenty with both," asserts Karan.
Another music band Motherjane released a special track for the cause of Anna, expressing their support towards his anti corruption message. The song, called No Contest, has been penned down by Suraj Mani who is also the frontman of the band.
"Anna has become more than just a pop culture, he is a part of rock culture now," quips Suraj. "Our song No Contest is a tune in support of Anna's vision — that of uniting people against corruption," Suraj adds.
And clearly the well meaning lyrics say it all. It's a no contest, we cannot lose. Let's raid the parasites instead of upping the tax.
It's a no contest, hell; we refuse. The slimy public servant who puts the public last.

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