Friday, August 19, 2011


Get a close-up view of fashion week from an insider who shall not be named!
If you have an over-protective older sibling, you'll know what this star sibling was complaining about. We spotted Salman Khan's li'l sister Arpita sharing secrets with her model BFF, Pia Trivedi, in the ladies room at LFW. The two giggly girls were trading recent relationship updates, with Pia prodding her companion about the new man in her life. “What can I do, bhaiya chases everybody away,“ was the complaint.
Ironic, given that the bhaiya in question here has had his pick of the ladies. Guess someone doesn't believe in equal opportunity. And you thought models had it easy. We found out that ramp regular Candice Pinto was in hospital literally a day before she pulled on her heels and took the ramp.
Food poisoning nearly had her, Candice managed to soldier on, completing all her shows. Talk about suffering for the sake of fashion!
Whispers across fashion week could be heard, hinting at the fact that this is the event's do or die moment.
Many key players mentioned to us that since last season had been so miserable in terms of business, they had decided that this would be the last time they'd drown their money in a faulty investment, unless some serious changes were made.
But now that things are looking up, we hear all's well that ends well.

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