Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bookies bet on 11.11.11 for Ash's baby ... they believe that it's 'an unique date befitting an unique family'. The optional date that scores on their list is 14-11-11

Bookies bet on 11.11.11 for Ash's baby

... they believe that it's 'an unique date befitting an unique family'. The optional date that scores on their list is 14-11-11

Actor Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan is now in her third trimester of pregnancy and if rumour mills are to be believed then she is due to deliver sometime in the second week of November.
Buzz is that as her due date nears, bookies are gearing up to receive bets on the exact date she will deliver on. One Mumbai-based bookie 'handler', on the condition of anonymity says people are putting their money on 11 th November (11-11-2011). "It is a unique date which has people excited and has raised the bar for the bets," says the handler. Another agent tells us that though 11-11-11 is a favourite with those placing bets, a close second is Children's Day i.e. 14-11-11. "The stakes will change as November approaches as one will get a clearer idea of when the actor is actually due," says the agent who operates from the North. The agents say that the booking rates are changing daily, depending on newspaper reports that they read and pictures they see of Ash. "The best part is that the mother herself will have no control over the exact due date. So it's all guess work and that is what has raised the stakes here," says the Mumbai-based handler who is hoping that the actor delivers on one of these unique dates. "It's not about money, but I truly wish that the Bachchan's have the privilege of bringing a newborn in this world on an unique day. It only befits an unique family, doesn't it?' he asks.

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