Sunday, October 23, 2011

Gaga TO SKIP Mumbai ... for Delhi on her maiden trip to India

The much awaited trip of international pop singer, Lady Gaga will be a disappointment for her fans in Mumbai. The singer has scuttled her Mumbai plans and will now only visit Delhi for her maiden trip to India.
Sources close to the singer have confirmed that all plans for visit to Mumbai has been cancelled. It has rarely happened that a visiting international celebrity has given Delhi preference over Mumbai.
"Unfortunately Lady Gaga is not coming to Mumbai anymore, she will only be in Delhi now," confirmed a source from New York, who works closely with the Gaga camp.
According to other sources, there were several activities lined up for Gaga including an offer to guest star in a reality show and several chat shows.
"Though officially, the reason would be her hectic schedule and that her dates couldn't be juggled around to accommodate Mumbai, but we guess there are more reasons to it," says a source.
According to sources, the Gaga camp was not happy with the way the Mumbai schedule was lined up. Some of the celebrities with whom Gaga wanted to meet were either not available in Mumbai at that point or busy with their project. Sources say that the big party to host Gaga was also not happening the way her camp ideally wanted it. "There wasn't any performance lined up. It was supposed to be a semi-professional visit for her, but since it was not shaping up according to their plans, they cancelled it. Besides, she also has a concert lined up after her trip to India, and could not a Mumbai visit in that schedule," the source said.
The singer is slated to perform at the Formula One party on October 30.

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