Expectations push me to work harder - Arjun Rampal
Expectations push me to work harder
After D-Day, Arjun Rampal is back on the screen with Prakash Jha’s Satyagraha. Though this is Arjun’s third film with Jha — the previous ones being Raajneeti (2010) and Chakravyuh (2012) — the actor says working with the filmmaker is a new experience every time.“Each film he makes, is different. He deals with issues that are relevant. I am grateful to him for having given me some careerdefining roles,” Arjun says.
Prakash offered him the role when they were shooting for Chakravyuh and though the character was yet to be written, Arjun gave his nod.
“While doing Raajneeti, he told me that I have a lot of potential. He asked me why I was doing romantic films when I was cut out for bigger things. I feel lucky that he has that kind of faith in my abilities,” reveals Arjun.
Considering he has had a good run at the box office, is he nervous about Satyagraha? “I’m glad that there are expectations from me. It pushes me to work harder and explore avenues that I never knew existed.”
Arjun plays a young and volatile person in the film. “The motive is to expose the rampant corruption that is prevalent today. It isn’t a dry, boring film; it’s inspirational. It is not preachy and it does not give you solutions. It just says that we must be the change we wish to see.”
Satyagraha, produced by UTV Motion Pictures and Prakash Jha Productions, releases August 30.
Arjun Rampal
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