Monday, September 5, 2011

Witty or Hottie - Who do you prefer — a good looking guy with an average IQ or an intelligent bloke with average looks?

Witty or Hottie

Who do you prefer — a good looking guy with an average IQ or an intelligent bloke with average looks?

Picture this — a good looking man is at the bar, alone, having a drink and there is an average looking guy, sitting right next to you, a walking-talking encyclopedia that is opinionated and talks sense. Who would you go for? Well, a lot of women are often faced with similar situations. So in a scenario like this, who would you rather go out with? A man who is drop-dead gorgeous with average IQ or the other man who is extremely intelligent with average looks?
Smita Parihar, a 22-year-old working professional, chooses the former. "When someone said that the first impression is the last impression, they were so accurate. When you spot someone at the bar, all you want to do is have a good time. I never go to a nightclub to have a conversation, I only go there for some eye candy and if he can
hold a conversation, great. If not, even better. Only if the guy is good looking can I be attracted to him and that is all that really matters."
While many may argue that they might rather choose a guy with brains than good looks, psychologist Deepti Makhija says presentation is the keyword here. "It entirely depends on the circumstances, really. If you want to get sloshed, intelligence is not on your agenda at all. It doesn't matter what you are as long as you are fun. But on an average, I would say most women prefer to be with a intelligent guy who is average looking than vice versa. Looks can always be enhanced but intelligence is something you are born with. Nobody wants a good looking guy who talks trash. So the key to balance it out is how you present yourself."
Namita Shikre, 30-year-old married professional, says, "Who cares about a good looking guy who can't talk any sense? I'd want my man to be well informed. Besides, how long does good looks even last?" The debate can go on, but as long as your guy is neither of the above, you can sit back and relax!

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