Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sidhartha Mallya

A SUPER POWER YOU WISH YOU HAD. The ability to fly. Like Superman
May 7, 1987
Right now, airports
Wellington College, UK, and Queen Mary, University of London
Los Angeles
Crossing the finish line in a marathon in 3 hours and 40 mins
When I left my life in England.
The hunt for the Kingfisher Calendar Girl, 2013. I’m a jack of all trades – and master of them all too! How many beers can you down at one go? It’s funny. The body can only hold four pints at a time before you throw it all up. So I guess four pints. But I could keep drinking them over and over.
When did you last get drunk? I don’t drink often. But last Saturday, we ended up jumping into the pool fully clothed. One woman who you’d want to see on the Kingfisher calendar. There was already one woman. And she was already on it. And I already saw her. No more clues. Let’s leave it at that. A person from the past you’d give anything to meet. My grandfather [Vittal Mallya]. I’ve heard so much about him but I never got to meet him. I believe we would have got along. We’re quite similar. And one person from the future…
My son! Is it hard to live with a famous last name?
Sort of. I prefer my first name. If you woke up and realised you’d turned into a woman…
I’d give myself a good grope! It’s your one month anniversary and you need to be your cheesiest best on a greeting card. What do you say? I’m not one for cheese. But this happened with a friend. His girlfriend wrote on his Facebook wall: “One year, one month, one day, one hour.” It was the most ridiculous thing I’d ever seen.

One lie you often get away with… “Oh, I didn’t get your text.” “Oh, I didn’t see your message”. But BlackBerry went and made it possible for the sender to know if their text had been read… If you could go through life wearing only one kind of outfit, what would you wear?
I’d just go naked.
Your best feature. My eyes. Depending on how it’s catching the light, one eye might look green, the other, brown. So when I’m talking to a girl, I’ll always make sure the light is shining in my eyes.
One big plan for the future. I enjoy writing a lot. So I will write a book. I don’t know what I’ll call it, but it will be my memoirs. I actually did keep a daily record of my time at the last IPL – what I saw, what I heard, what I was up to. I hope to publish parts of it in 50 years. One part of your body that you’d never get tattooed? I don’t think any part of my body is off limits. Probably on the face. But only because the less flesh there is on a certain part of the body, the more it will hurt. A movie that you wish you were a part of or can’t get out of your head.
TopGun. TopGun. TopGun. I want to be Lieutenant Pete Mitchell aka Maverick. I am Maverick in my own way. I don’t want to be Goose, or Iceman. It’s Maverick all the way.
The last thing you spent R10 on.
I cannot remember! What would the last line of your autobiography read?
…And that’s how it all ended.

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