Exercise and socialising help students beat stress

Exercise and socialising help students beat stress

    According to a new study, college students who exercise vigorously for 20 minutes — at least three days a week — were less likely to report poor mental health and perceived stress. Interestingly, part of the benefits of exercise may come from associated social encounters.

>> The study defined socialising as having five or more friends or spending more than two hours a day with others.
>> The research, done by a US university, surveyed more than 14,800 students and asked them about their exercise habits and their moods.
>> Lead author of the study,Nicole A. VanKim,said socialising is an important aspect of engaging in vigorous physical activity, better mental health, and less perceived stress.
>> The study also found that the students who were more physically active in adolescence were more likely to be physically active in adulthood. ANI

Part of the benefits of exercise come from associated social encounters

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