Sunday, September 4, 2011

The actor Ranbir couldn't afford to take a day off to watch his favourite footballer Messi play in Kolkata, as his film is running behind schedule

Ranbir's 'Messi' business

The actor couldn't afford to take a day off to watch his favourite footballer play in Kolkata, as his film is running behind schedule

In spite of the all the hype and the hoopla, actor Ranbir Kapoor is all set to miss the debut of footballer Lionel Messi as the captain of Argentina. According to sources, the schedule of his ongoing film Barfee has got so delayed that it doesn't leave him with any option but to miss the star footballer in action.
"Everything was set — the tickets, the stand from where he will watch the match and even the positions where his bodyguards will be posted. But we were told that Ranbir is not coming for the football match," says a senior official of the club that is organising the match at the time of going to press yesterday.
Sources close to the actor confirmed that Ranbir decided to let the match go because his film is running tremendously behind schedule.

"The rains delayed the shoot and he was not in a position to take a day off for the match. However, we are ensuring that he gets to see the match from his vanity van live. We are also planning to take a small break during the match to enable Ranbir to watch the match," the source close to the actor added.
Meanhwhile, Ranbir is very confused. The actor who has been invited to Kolkata has so many invitations for 'home-cooked food' that the actor is confused about how to manage them! "Almost 20 celebrities in Kolkata have invited Ranbir over for lunch and dinner for a taste of home-cooked food. Ranbir has politely refused most of them but might not be able to refuse a few," says a source.
Meanwhile, Messi apparently will be visiting Mother Teresa's Missionionaries of Charity to interact with the children there.

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