Monday, September 5, 2011

Animals kept in good conditions do not become aggressive

I recently sold a puppy to a
woman who says that it is
very aggressive. She wants
a refund. She is accusing
us of teaching our dogs to
be aggressive and of running
a puppy mill. Our animals
live in excellent conditions
and have plenty to
eat and drink. She did not
see anything out of order
when she came to purchase
it. Can I take help of
the law?

Both of you have committed
a crime. It depends on
which of you is the first to
go to the police. You run
the industry, so you are
more vulnerable. Animals
kept in excellent conditions
do not become aggressive,
therefore I am
quite sure you keep them
in cages, have sold her a
puppy long before its twomonth
weaning period,
have starved and mistreated
it while you had it —
this is what all breeders do.
You have probably chopped
its tail and this causes aggression
because you
breeders do it without
anaesthesia. The point is, if
she gives you the puppy
back, I know you will kill
it. I would advise her to retrain
it with love and patience.
And to go to the police
and put you in jail.
My dog was fine — eating
well, fat and gentle. This
morning he ate his food,
suddenly vomited several
times and we realised he
wasn’t able to use his back
legs. I took him to a hospital
for a blood test and
then put him on a drip. In a
few hours, he died. The
blood test which came too
late showed his creatinine
count to be 11. This means
kidney failure. What could I
have done?

If the dog was eating and
well, and then suddenly
vomited etc, it means he
was poisoned. The creatinine
count cannot go from
0 to 11 unless this has happened.
Chronic kidney failure
takes months and the
dog stops eating and becomes
lethargic when it
reaches 2. 11 is unheard of.
You should check how he
was poisoned. Did you use
some chemical in the
house? Had he eaten some
new plant? There is a tablet
called Nephrosave that
might have helped. But this
is clearly poison.
My vet has informed me
that my cat has roundworm
eggs in his stool. Do I have
to be dewormed as well?

Roundworms can be transmitted
to people. The same
larvae infecting your pet
can migrate into a person
and cause a skin infection
or even an internal infection
to the liver. It is recommended
that all kittens and
puppies are dewormed. A
serious infection of roundworms
can be life threatening
to a kitten because of
blood and protein loss, or
dehydration. You should
also take a deworming
tablet. Human deworming
drugs are extremely easy
to take, with no side effects.

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