Sunday, November 6, 2011

It can't get worse - Movie "Loot"

Nobody is acting in this film. Everybody seems to be in a tearing hurry for the shoot to get over and to head back home. There is no storyline in this film and the actors are not acting, they are mumbling some words that looks like someone forced a bitter pill in their mouths.
Imagine a scene, Govinda in a blue, checked lungi sitting with Jaaved Jaffrey (also in a blue lungi) lounging around in a hotel room and asking a 'healthy' Mahakshay Chakraborty about his last night's sexual escapades with Shweta Bhardwaj who just looks, stares and pouts at the camera. There are some films that most actors try to hide — ask them and they will never talk about the film, even to the point of denying that they had shot for the film. This film fits perfectly into that bracket.
As for the storyline — the film is about how a bunch of crooks land up in Pattaya looking for some other crooks and then end up meeting some other crooks. Well, as you get lost in the jungle of crooks, there will be some rhyming couplets mouthed by Govinda as dialogues and then some dance number where his paunch is clearly sticking out.
As footnote let us say that this movie had a therapeutic effect on those of us who didn't have a proper night's sleep, the previous day. The movie put us to sleep in a theatre with a blaring, Dolby digital sound system. What more can we ask for?

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